our latest projects

The Ararat Bioenergy project is a transformational bioenergy and Circular Economy project, to be developed and centred in a new industrial park in Ararat, Western Victoria.

In a region known all over the world for its cereal cropping, this project is designed to maximise the effective use of low-grade or excess straw and crop stubble, and potentially other organic waste streams, transforming them into renewable gas, electricity, heat and other valuable co-products such as renewable fertiliser, hydrogen and/or biomethanol.

Located in Victoria’s Goulburn Murray region, the Goulburn Murray Woka Yurringa Energy Project is an agricultural waste to renewable energy project led by bioenergy developer, Valorify, in partnership with Yurringa Energy.

The project’s name, Goulburn Murray Woka Yurringa Energy Project, draws on the local Yorta Yorta language – ‘woka’ means earth and ‘yurringa’ means sun.

Located in the heart of Australia’s food bowl, the Riverina Bioenergy project will see agricultural waste turned into renewable gas in the Riverina region of New South Wales, thereby helping to decarbonise ‘hard to abate’ industrial customers.

The project is of considerable scale, promising to inject 4PJ of biomethane supply into the NSW grid, to be delivered in 2 x 2PJ stages, converting approximately 300kt of straw p.a. The project also presents the chance to explore ‘Power-to-X’ (PtX) opportunities that can add value to biogenic CO2, a by-product of the process, including methanation for additional renewable gas, or for liquid fuels such as SAF and renewable diesel.

Riverina Bioenergy will create new jobs in the region, offering diversification of farm income and leveraging existing pipeline infrastructure, while also helping to reduce the impact of crop stubble burnoff. The operating model will also produce a biofertiliser product to be recirculated back into the farming catchment as part of a regional scale, Circular Economy initiative.