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609, 2023
Top 3 Reasons Why Biomethane is the Key to a Greener Future

1. Renewable & Low Carbon Energy Source Carbon Cycling: Unlike fossil fuels that release a new load of ancient, lithospheric carbon into the atmosphere when combusted, biomethane is produced from a range of organic wastes. The carbon fraction of this feedstock is recaptured through the continuous process of photosynthesis as [...]

2308, 2023
Goulburn Murray Irrigation District Resilience Task Force

Scott Grierson and Lisa Owens of Valorify presented the GMWY project to the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) Taskforce during their August meeting.  The Taskforce members work together to implement the eight Resilience Principles as detailed in the Goulburn Murray Resilience Strategy established in 2020. As highlighted during the presentation, [...]

708, 2023
In conversation with Shane Wilkins, CEO, Yurringa Energy

In a recent interview with Shane Wilkins, the CEO of Yurringa Energy, we dove into the heart of his passion for renewable energy and the great potential it has to play a role in empowering the Indigenous communities in the Goulburn Murray region. The interview, led by Valorify Project Manager [...]

1307, 2023
Goulburn Murray Woka Yurringa Project website launched

Valorify is delighted to announce the launch of the Goulburn Murray Woka Yurringa Project website. This initiative blends local Indigenous knowledge with innovative practices, focusing on producing biogas sustainably from local biomass resources. Honouring the land and sun - 'Woka Yurringa' - we're partnering with the local community (including Indigenous [...]

806, 2023
Ararat Bioenergy: progression to FEED stage

Thu 8 June, 2023 Australian bioenergy developer Valorify is delighted to announce the imminent completion of pre-FEED activities in relation to its flagship ‘Ararat Bioenergy’ project, prompting the release of binding feedstock contracts. Valorify CEO Dr Scott Grierson says the project is entering an exciting phase and could see construction [...]

1512, 2022
Australian bioenergy developer scales up operations with a new name

Australian clean energy developer Pacific Heat and Power has begun trading as Valorify as it advances a portfolio of bioenergy projects which are poised to become the largest in the southern hemisphere when constructed. The newly launched Valorify name will underpin the company’s next phase of growth, as major projects [...]